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Welcome to AGIP

The Association for Group and Individual Psychotherapy (AGIP) was founded in 1974 to establish a new psychotherapy training and as a professional association of psychoanalytic psychotherapists. It now has members working in London, the rest of the UK and in Europe.


AGIP’s Psychotherapy Services are well established in North London. We offer consultations, assessments and referrals for ongoing psychotherapy and we have a low-fee psychotherapy scheme, in our Fairbridge Clinic:

If you would prefer to go directly to a psychotherapist, have a look at our members’ profiles (Find a Therapist) and you are welcome to contact them directly.

Train With Us

The apptraining is the training section of AGIP which launched its new training in October 2015.

This web site only has outline details of these courses, for full details see the course website at

Black Lives Matter – AGIP’s Statement on Opposition to Racism

AGIP understands and supports the protests against racism that have taken place around the world following the murder of George Floyd in May. We agree that Black Lives Matter.

See our full statement on AGIP’s Statement on Opposition to Racism here.

Publications by AGIP Writers

AGIP member, Anne Kane’s, paper ‘How can anyone live like that?’ Exploring the conscious and unconscious implications for disabled people of any change in assisted suicide law, was published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy in 2019. It considers the situation whereby ‘Assisted suicide is the subject of persistent attempts at legachange and while not, in theory, specific to disabled people, the issue brings some of the psychosocial dynamics around impairment and disability into focus, illuminating the attitudes and emotions with which disabled people must try to live.’ The paper can be found here

“You must never give up on any human being” –Debunking ADD; the work of Gabor Mate`. –  Don Butler 

Abstract: Mourning’s dissonance; who am I who mourns and whom do I mourn? Mary Lynne Ellis
In this article I explore how a relational psychoanalytic and phenomenological perspective can open out new possibilities for interpretations of experiences of bereavement. I critically discuss Freud’s acclaimed paper, ‘Mourning and melancholia’ in the light of work by philosophers Merleau-Ponty (a phenomenologist) and Judith Butler (a contemporary post-modern feminist philosopher). I reflect on how questions of identity, language, and embodiment, crucial themes in Merleau-Ponty’s and Butler’s theorising of human subjectivities, emerge in two literary/autobiographical accounts of mourning: Nora Webster, by the contemporary Irish writer, Colm Tóibín, and Mourning Diary by the French philosopher, Roland Barthes.)Through my discussion of these philosophical and literary texts I argue for a psychoanalytic perspective which is attuned to the conscious and unconscious subtleties and complexities of mourning and engages with the ways in which the identities of the mourner and the mourned and the relations between them are, for the mourner, constantly in flux. I emphasize the importance of attending in the psychoanalytic relationship to the specificity and uniqueness of individuals’ languages of mourning and to the effects on experiences of bereavement of gender, race, class, sexuality, age, and physical ability within particular socio-historical and cultural contexts.  Psychodynamic Practice, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 6- 20. London: Taylor and Francis, 2018.

Time in Practice; Temporality, Intersubjectivity, and Listening Differently (second, revised and updated edition). London: Routledge, 2024.

Questioning Identities; Philosophy in Psychoanalytic Practice. (co-authored with Noreen O’Connor). London: Karnac Books (now Routledge), 2010.

Time in Practice; Analytical Perspectives on the Times of our Lives. London: Karnac Books (now Routledge), 2008.

AGIP member Lindsay Wells has been interviewed by the Freud Museum . It is an audio podcast interview about the background environment to his novel, which he wrote under the pen name of William Rose. It deals with fin de siècle Paris, centred on the Salpêtrière Hospital, where thousands of ‘hysterical’ patients were treated and where a comparatively young Freud studied under the charismatic Professor Jean-Martin Charcot. The title of the novel is ‘The Strange Case of Madeleine Seguin’. The link to the podcast interview is:

Environmental Trauma, Mental distress and the question of its treatment: by Donald Butler.

What is mentalizing? An Overview: by Catherine Freeman. To read this article go to British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol.32:2 May 2016.

Go to the Articles list in the “About Us” Section to read all articles by AGIP writers..

AGIP 1 Fairbridge Road, London N19 3EW – Psychotherapy Training and Clinic – Contact us by email

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About AGIP

AGIP is a registered charity (Number 1083030). It was established in 1974 to provide psychoanalytic psychotherapy services and a training programme.

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